Good Reading

Here is a list of our favorite books. As you consider a Secondary Adoptive Placement, order a couple of the below book.

Adopting the Hurt Child is an excellent book by Gregory Keck and Regina Kupecky.  This book is good because all children going into secondary adoptions are hurt, in one way or another.  Reading a book like this before the adoption helps you be able to get the best start.

A second book by these same authors is Parenting the Hurt Child.

The Connected Child is another great book by one of our favorite attachment professionals, Karen Purvis.  She has a seminar that is shown in various parts of the U.S. To view a map of where they seminar can be seen click here. Many families who are doing secondary adoptions read this book and also try to attend  taped seminar. Karen recently passed away however she has left a rich legacy to adoptive families everywhere.

For parents who have come to the realization that they must relinquish a child for a secondary adoption, this book has been very helpful. Relinquished – When Love Means Letting Go. This book, by mother Carrie O’Toole, is the extremely gripping story of a family who adopted a young child and then had to make the difficult decision to place him into a secondary home where he flourished.

A second book for relinquishing parents is Disrupting Grace.

Some children who are needing a secondary adoption have been born with the effects of having a birth mother who used alcohol during the pregnancy. When Rain Hurts is written by a mother of a child with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.  Whether you are relinquishing, adopting or continuing to parent a FASD child, this book is a good resource.