This child was not doing well in her adoptive family so her parents tentatively reached out to an adoption agency to see if a family could be found where she would be happy and do better. Read on to learn about how this worked out.
Being a mom was a dream that I never thought would come true. After a couple failed pregnancies my husband and I decided there was a bigger plan – so we decided to adopt. We knew we wanted to have one special child that we could put all our love, time and focus into. We also knew there were so many children, not babies, who needed exactly that.
We took all the classes we needed to for adopting from foster care – and while we were on that path I saw Second Chance on Facebook. After we were told we would need to be foster parents for a bit before we could adopt, we became frustrated. We knew we weren’t cut out to be foster parents. It would be horrible to get attached and then not be able to put down firm roots and grow our family.
One night as we were discussing options I saw Andrea’s picture and asked for more information – her needs met our strengths and seeing her beautiful smile I knew she was the one we had been praying for. We knew going in she could stretch the truth and was diagnosed with RAD.
It was a bit rocky at first – she tested the waters to find where her bounds were and what she could get away with. She also tried to push us away out of fear that we would change our minds and decide we didn’t want her. It wasn’t until our adoption was final that it seemed to sink in – this was home. She was wanted and we wouldn’t change our minds.
Over the past 6 months she’s grown and blossomed into an AMAZING child! She is sassy, intelligent and a complete joy to be around. She’s been released from therapy and shows no signs of RAD. Sure, she tells a tall tale from time to time, but she always admits the truth. She has a heart for giving gifts and loves to make things for every one she knows.
She’s made and sustained friendships, excelled in school and loves to learn. We’re all very bonded. We’re a family … and none of this would be possible without Second Chance.