We Always Wanted to Adopt

These adoptions were both second adoptions. The girls had been in homes where they weren’t doing well, so they each (at different times) were adopted for a second time into this family.

We had always knew we would adopt. It was never our second choice or plan B. After consulting with several fertility specialist and discussing growing our family the traditional way we decided against treatment and started our plan to adopt a infant.

Two years later we were still waiting and we signed with a consultant who send an email with Nora’s photo and asked if we were open to an older child. We had seen many files of children much younger than her and we said no because we wanted a baby. After I sent the first email and learned about her and why she needed a new family it was love at first sight. Everything went smoothly and before we knew it we were driving 14 hours to meet our first child who we had prayed for many years. Nora Joined our family in January 2017 and she was six years old turning 7 in February 2017. Although she had several diagnosis which scared us we prayed and felt that God was leading us to adopt her. After finding the right counselors and therapist who were trained in trauma. Our lives became much easier and we enjoyed being parents to her. We have an open adoption with her previous families and send pictures and updates quite often. We even visited with them last year and plan to visit again.  Nora is the perfect addition to our family she has now been with our family for three years now and has made wonderful progress. She is nothing like described in her bio. She loves her family, church, dance and being a big sister. We were very cautious of adding another child to our family so soon but she has done wonderful. We are forever grateful for second chance and her previous family as they helped up become parents for the first time and experience how beautiful adoption really is. 

Jessika – Jessika is the perfect addition to our family. Our oldest daughter had been with us for almost two years and was daily asking for a sibling. We knew if when we would adoption again it would most likely be with second chance since we had such a great experience with our first. A few weeks after contacting our homestudy worker we saw her picture and we inquired about her. Although she has more medical needs than what we initially thought. She is happy and joyful little girl. She loves to read, play pretend, go to church and is very girly and loves all things pink and sparkly. She needed a little more attention at first but now she has overcome lots of challenges and has progressed very well. We do not have any contact with her previous family which was their choice we hope that someday they may want to revisit the idea of communicating with us.  She was the perfect little sister for our family